Favorite Summer Snacks!
When it's hot outside, I tend to go towards lighter & colder foods, which are also nutrient & vitamin dense in order to fuel me

Dealing With Trigger Foods
Emotional eating is a real thing...but so is healing yourself through food - discover how to turn your habits around!

When Your Body Needs a Reset | My Sakara Life Level II Detox Experience (& Discount Code)!
Even the healthiest individuals need a reset every once in a while. Discover what's Sakara Life Level II Detox all about, learn about my

The Ultimate Holiday Shopping Guide!
Christmas is literally around the corner (that corner being next weekend), so it's time to do our last-minute shopping! Check my Ultimat

Cheat Days Won't Ruin Your Diet and Here's Why....
Sometimes we all need some extra chocolate in our lives...and that's totally ok :)