The Ultimate Holiday Shopping Guide!

Christmas is literally around the corner (that corner being next weekend), which also marks the end of Mariah Carey's 'All I want for Christmas' everywhere we go (cause she probably got everything she wants for Xmas anyway, let's be real :)). I believe most of us are running around and doing some last-minute shopping, so I've been a good friend this year, and decided to compile a list of my absolute favorite products and make it easier for you to buy something for your loved ones! Here's my Ultimate Holiday Shopping Guide!
The obsession with natural & good quality skincare is real, you guys. And it most definitely should be! What we put on our skin is just as important as what we eat, and for me, one can never exclude the other. You might be eating super clean and still breaking out, and the reason might be your facewash, night cream, mask, or even your laundry detergent. Make sure to read the label on your products and try to switch them out for those with 100% organic & natural ingredients. Some of my favorites include:
- SIBU Beauty - with their amazing Sea Buckthorn oil extract which replenishes the skin with Omega 7 & helps with breakouts (Use code SBKARLA to save 25%!)
- UMM Skincare - these Ayurveda inspired, incredible smelling body scrubs & soaps make my bathroom feel like the most luxurious spa in the world. When I think of self-care, I think of using UMM products.
- Herbivore Botanicals - I've talked about their products time and time again, simply because they are phenomenal! From masks, lotions and elixirs, to incredible oils & shimmers, all of their stuff is to die for! And the design is gorgeous as well!
- Osmia Organics - If you're looking for the world's best face cleansing product, you will find it here 100%, and the same goes for their lip balm, conveniently named 'The Lip Doctor'

Being a nutritionist means I constantly research all the latest & newest products trying to find the best possible options for my clients. Being an influencer means I get contacted by a huge number of companies who are willing to send me their products so that I can test them out & review them. I cannot explain the feeling when I actually encounter something amazing, so I naturally have to share it with the entire world, but most of you have no idea how many times I, sadly, have to decline a brand collaboration because the quality simply wasn't good enough. Still, I feel blessed to be able to try out so many different products which can potentially help you live a better & healthier life! Here are some of my favorites:
- Sakara Life's 10 Day Reset - The absolute Best of the best from Sakara, all neatly combined in the most beautiful packaging ever! By getting this kit, you actually get to experience all the best Sakara products, from their water concentrates & bars, to life source powder & probiotics! (Click HERE to get 15% off!)
- Drink Metta -trying to get off from coffee? Try this natural awareness beverage with adaptogens which lower your cortisol levels & antioxidants which fight free radicals & boost your immune system! ( Code karlametta saves you 10%!)
- No Cow Bars - possibly The Best tasting plant-based protein bars in the entire Universe. Since switching to a plant-based diet, I've needed to get smart & creative with my protein intake, and I've had a serious problem with plant based products due to their texture and way too earthy taste. No Cow have completely nailed their recipes & the macronutrient ratios are absolutely incredible - 20g of protein per bar! My favorite flavor is chunky peanut butter & lemon meringue pie, and they've just come out with some energy bars that are like the best tasting flapjacks you've ever had...Divine!
- Thrive Market - Shop organic, but smarter! Thrive Market is your Whole Foods Outlet! All of the brands are 25-50% cheaper than in stores & the best part - they get delivered to your door! Oh, and also, whenever someone purchases a subscription, Thrive donates a subscription for a low-income family...I amazing is that! (Save $20 off your first 3 purchases when you shop through this LINK!)

- TEMA Athletics - You may have noticed how 70% of my recent Instagram photos feature TEMA Athletics activewear. Made for ALL body types, their designs & fabrics are incredibly soft, supportive & hugging. At the same time, nothing is digging into any part of your body and everything is staying exactly where it should be throughout any style of workout! (Code KARLA saves you 40%!!)
- Michi NY - Unless you're living under a rock, you must have heard of Michi NY. Possibly one of the most beautiful activewear brands out there, Michi have such sleek & elegant designs that will take you from the gym to a meeting without feeling over dressed or under dressed for each occasions! (Code TEAM_KARLA_TAFRA gets you 15% off!)
There are some other things I wanted to include in this list that don't fall in neither of the above mentioned categories, so I made them a category of their own :)
- Almond Cow Plant-based Milk maker- GONE are the days of struggle with making plant-based milks (or mylks). This awesome invention takes it all to a whole new level by doing practically everything for you. All you got to do is soak the nuts/grains previously, rinse them out, place them in the Almond Cow and press the button. Yup, that's it!!! I've been making crazy combos at home such as pistacchio & macadamia, cashew & brazil nut, pecan & superfood lattes never tasted this creamy & rich! (Code KARLA saves you 25%!)
- Mantis Yoga bags - I'm a person that runs from one studio to another, to a meeting, to the grocery store, to the gym, to a co-working space, etc...and I need good quality bags, especially after hot yoga and all the sweaty clothes... After trying Mantis Yoga bags right after their successful Kickstarter campaign had ended, I never wanted to use another bag again! I am asbolutely IN LOVE with all of the designs & fabrics, and all of them have a space for your yoga mat! (Save 15% by shopping through this LINK)
- Gaiam - From activewear, yoga mats & towels, to yoga blocks, straps & rollers, Gaiam has got you covered for all of your activities! Their meditation cushions are so amazing, I also use them for lower back chair support when I'm sitting at my computer! (Code KARLA saves you 20% off everything on their site!)
- Viome - Microbiome testing is THE future! We might think that cutting out sugar and processed foods is enough, but diving deeper into our gut can reveal how certain fruits, grains, proteins and even vegetables can be just as harmful. For example, some of my absolute AVOID foods are cashews, tomatoes, bell pepper & goji berries! (Save $100 when shopping through this LINK!)
- KALI boxes - How often do we stop and think what we're using at that time of the month? Do we even know how many toxic ingredients are in tampons?? Kali CEO devoted her life to educating women on the importance of using natural ingredients, as well as providing them with affordable products. Their subscription boxes are tailored to each woman individually, according to her cycle & preference, and every month, they collaborate with another female-owned wellness brand & bring you their amazing full-sized product as a surprise! (Code KARLAxKALI gives you $15 off!)